Resize image to 35x45 mm

Please upload a image to start editing
Output image requirements
Resize type
Please select a paper type to enable

Resize image to 35x45 mm online with background removal and print ready image. 100% free, no login required. Support passport, visa, etc.

How to resize image to 35x45 mm

Upload Your Image
To resize image to 35x45 mm, first upload your photo. We support various image formats such as JPG, JPEG, PNG, and PDF. Whether you're using your own image or selecting one of our sample images, this step is crucial for the passport photo resizing process.
Upload Your Image
Confirm preview & requirements
Before proceeding to the next step, you'll have the opportunity to preview the uploaded image and confirm the settings to resize image to 35x45 mm. Feel free to change any settings or adjust the preview using crop, rotate or flip. When you are satisfied, click the "Next" button to move forward with the passport photo resizing process.
Confirm preview & requirements
Free background removal
Our tool automatically removes the background from your photo and replaces it with a plain white background that meets passport photo requirements. This free feature ensures your resize image to 35x45 mm meets official standards without any additional cost.
Free background removal
Download your image (digital & print)
After processing, you can download both the digital and print versions of the resize image to 35x45 mm. Simply take the print version to a nearby photo print service to get it printed.
Download your image (digital & print)


Privacy guaranteed
At, we value your privacy. Your images never leave your device, ensuring complete security. Additionally, you have the option to delete images from the download page for added peace of mind.
No Login Required
Resize image to 35x45 mm instantly without creating an account or signing up. No registration, no hassle - just upload your photo and get started right away.
100% Free
This tool is completely free to use. No hidden fees, no premium features locked behind paywalls.
Lightning Fast
Our tool processes your photos instantly, so you can get your passport-sized photos right when you need them without any delays.
Works on any device can be easily accessed from any device (eg: android, ios, mac etc) with a web browser, allowing you to resize images on the go. No need to download any software.