Increase image size in KB or MB
Please upload a image to start editing
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Drag & drop files here to upload. We only accepts JPG, JPEG, PNG & PDF images
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Increase image size in kb or mb without losing quality. Just upload your photo, input your desired file size in kb or mb, and download your desired photo.
How to increase image size in kb or mb
Upload Your Image
To increase image size in kb or mb, first upload your photo. We support various image formats such as JPG, JPEG, PNG, and PDF. Whether you're using your own image or selecting one of our sample images, this step is crucial for the compressing image.
Confirm preview & settings
Before proceeding to the next step, you'll have the opportunity to preview the uploaded image and confirm the settings to increase image size in kb or mb. Feel free to change any settings or change preview using crop, rotate or flip. When you are satisfied, click the "Next" button to move forward with the compressing process.
Download your image
Once the image has been processed, you'll be able to download the compressed image. This final step is quick and easy, allowing you to use your newly compressed image in any project or application.
What people are saying
I was trying to compress my photo size past two days. I couldn't figure out how to reduce my photo size I faced lot of disappointment while using other websites. But thank god your website gave me the exact resolution and pixel size.
Changing photo size for online applications can be a hassle, but this tool made it a breeze. With just a few clicks, I was able to adjust my photos to the necessary specifications and successfully submit my application.
Use cases
Optimize images for web or mobile
This tool optimizes images for web and mobile devices, offering options for desired KB/MB size and improved loading speed. Its user-friendly interface and advanced compression algorithms make image optimization quick and efficient.
Adjust image size for ID documents
This tool addresses the issue of photo size restrictions for online apps. It helps to meet high-quality photo standards and simplifies submission.
Perfect quality
With our tool, you have the ability to Increase image size in KB or MB with precision. This ensures that you get perfect results every time.
Lightning Fast
Our image resizing tool offers exceptional speed and flexibility. Supporting all file size units that you may need eg: KB, MB or Bytes. Processing is fast, taking just seconds, making the whole process simple and efficient.
Multiple image formats supported
Our tool supports a variety of image formats including JPG, JPEG, PNG, and PDF, so you can resize any type of image without the need for additional software.
Works on any device
Our tool can be easily accessed from any device with a web browser, allowing you to resize images on the go. No need to download any software.
Privacy guaranteed
At, we understand the significance of your pictures and take extra care to keep them safe. Your image will be deleted automatically after 30 minutes of upload for your security.
Frequently Asked Questions
To change image size, you have two options: resizing or adjusting image quality. Adjusting image quality involves changing the compression level, while resizing involves changing the width and height of the image. If you have no specific resolution settings, then we use resizing method to change image size, otherwise, compression method is used.
Reducing file size is important for efficient storage, faster transfer times, better user experience, overcoming email attachment limitations, and cost savings. Smaller file sizes take up less storage space on your device, making it easier to manage your files. They also transfer faster when sharing files over the internet or via email, resulting in a better user experience with faster loading times for images and other content on websites. Additionally, reducing file size helps overcome email attachment size limitations, allowing you to send larger files. For businesses that rely on online content, reducing file size can help reduce hosting and bandwidth costs. Reducing file size is also crucial for online applications, as many applications have size restrictions for uploaded files.
Yes, it is possible to change the file size without losing quality by using lossless compression techniques, for example PNG
increase image size in kb or mb is typically required in online applications, email attachments, website optimization, mobile optimization, printing, and social media. Applications often have restrictions on uploaded file size, including images, so reducing the size is necessary to meet these settings. Email services have limitations for attachments, and reducing image size can help overcome these limitations. Reducing the size of images on a website can improve its loading speed, providing a better user experience. Mobile devices often have limited storage space, and reducing the size of images helps ensure they take up less space. Large image files can slow down the printing process and produce low-quality prints, so reducing the size is necessary for optimal printing results. Social media platforms often have restrictions on uploaded image size, so reducing the size is necessary to meet these settings.
At Imresizer, we understand the importance of image security and confidentiality. That's why we take every precaution to protect your images while they're in our care. All image transfers are SSL/TLS encrypted, ensuring that your images are protected during processing. We use your images only for the purpose of removing the background and then offer you the result for download. Rest assured that your images will not be shared with third parties, published or used for any other purpose. Your privacy is our top priority, that's why we delete both the uploaded image and the result image at the latest about half an hour after the upload. Trust us with your images and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing they're in safe hands.
By default, we use lossless compression techniques to reduce the file size of your images. This means that the quality of your images will not be affected. However, if you want to reduce the file size by keeping a fixed resolution, then we use lossy compression techniques. This may result in a slight loss of quality, but the difference is usually not noticeable.
Changing image size is a common requirement for various purposes. It can be essential for web or mobile apps, social media sharing, and official documents. Here, we will discuss the importance of changing image size. Firstly, changing image size for web or mobile apps is crucial for optimizing website or app performance. Large images can slow down the loading speed of a website or app, which can result in a negative user experience. Therefore, it's necessary to resize images to fit the required dimensions while keeping the file size as small as possible without sacrificing quality. Secondly, changing image size for social media sharing is essential to ensure that your images look great and are easily shareable on various social media platforms. Different platforms have different image size settings, so it's necessary to resize your images accordingly to make sure they look their best. Lastly, changing image size for official documents is necessary for legal or professional purposes. For instance, when submitting a job application or a visa application, you may need to provide specific image size and quality. In this case, resizing images can be important to ensure that they meet the specific settings. In conclusion, changing image size is crucial for various purposes, including web or mobile apps, social media sharing, and official documents. It's essential to resize images while maintaining their quality and optimizing file size to ensure that they look great and load quickly. Using online tools or image editing software can help you resize images quickly and easily.
Yes, increase image size in kb or mb is free and always will be.
Supported operations are: image resize, image crop, image rotate, image flip, change image format, and change image size, create print photo. You can perform any of these operations on your image using our tool.
Currently we are supporting only these image formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Yes, its possible to increase image size in kb. Just tell us the file size you want in kb or mb and we will do it for you.